6th International Conference For Membrane Technology and Its Applications



Welcome Note

The 6th International Conference for Membrane Technology and its Application (MTAIC) is one of the Most important and priority issue to be discussed for both current and next generations. The Flat Sheet Membrane group, central labs network & center of excellence in the National Research, Egypt is organizing this conference which will be held in The National Research Center – Cairo – Egypt from 18 to 19 August 2025.
This is the sixth edition of this conference; and it will provide an international platform to share and discuss key topics on membrane applications and technologies in different fields especially wastewater treatment and water desalination and other advanced industrial applications. The support from different- nationalities experts will be organized through experts invited as keynote speakers. This event is organized by Flat Sheet Membrane Group in National Research Centre  and The Egyptian Society of Membrane Technology .

Flat –Sheet Membranes Group and Spiral wound module Fabrication

Flat sheet membranes Group (FSMG) was founded in November 2014 under the leadership of former Vice President of the National Research Center Prof. Ahmed Shaban.
The team work of Flat Sheet Membranes Group (FSMG) from different departments in NRC such as Chemical Engineering, Water pollution, and Polymers. The team work participated in many Local and International projects.
FSMG Group has more than 200 international published articles in membrane production, membrane technology, membrane separation, desalination and water treatment.
FSMG Group has 18 granted patents in  RO membrane, FO, UF and NF membranes fabrications, in Desalination and water treatment.

Flat –Sheet Membranes Group and Spiral wound module Fabrication

Flat sheet membranes Group (FSMG)  was founded in November 2014 under the leadership of former Vice President of the National Research Center Prof.Dr. Ahmed Shaban. He leads the group to exhibit their products of different kinds of membranes in 1st Cairo international exhibition of innovation, 2014 in American University in Cairo and 5th Cairo international exhibition of innovation, 2018. The (FSMG) has participated in many conferences and workshops such as the ARWADEX international conference for water desalination in Arab countries and the Water Nexus conference in Italy. The team work of Flat Sheet Membranes Group (FSMG) from different departments in NRC such as Chemical Engineering and Pilot Plant, Water pollution, and Polymers. The team work participated in many projects.

Prof. Ahmed Shaban

Conference Chairman

Former vice President of the National Research Centre for Technical Affairs in Egypt and the head of the Scientific Centre of Excellence in National Research Centre. He is the leader of flat sheet membrane production Group. He leads the group to exhibit their products of different kinds of membranes in 1st Cairo international exhibition of innovation November 2014 in American University in Egypt. He is a consultant in a number of desalination projects in Sinai and he is a consultant in Production of Reverse Osmosis Membranes for Water project funded from the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) in Egypt, 2014-2024.He had contributed in many national and international conferences as chairman and organizer; and supervised more than 25 Master and Ph.D. theses with more than 80 publications in the last 10 years. He has many patents.

Prof. Heba Abdallah

Conference Co-Chairman

She is professor in Chemical Engineering department, Institute of Engineering Research, Energy & Renewable Energy at National Research Centre. She is a consultant engineer in the field of research of designing and manufacturing special membranes for water treatment process in Egyptian Engineering Syndicate. She has an experience in the membrane fabrication and application through projects and training in which she participated in a good number of real projects, eleven of these projects for membrane production and application. She had taken a training course in production of hollow fiber membrane in National Research Centre in Cairo with experts Germans in May 2011 and training course in catalytic membrane, Alabama university, United Sate of America in 2008. She has 102 international publication articles [2011 to 2024]. She has 15 granted patents in Egyptian Academy of Science & Technology. She is a principle investigator in STDF projects; “Low-cost Polymeric Membrane and Application Technologies for Desalination and Waste Water Treatment, Egypt-China grant project granted by STDF, 2018-2022 and “Production of Reverse Osmosis Spiral Wound Membranes enhanced by fabric support, Young Research Project grant of STDF, 2018-2021.

Prof. Marwa Shalaby

Conference Co-chairman

She is professor in Chemical Engineering department, Institute of Engineering Research, Energy & Renewable Energy in National Research Centre. She is a consultant engineer in the field of manufacturing membranes. She worked in the field of process development of different chemical engineering plants and so the execution of many RO-desalination units and wastewater treatment, and she has participated in many internationally funded projects in the field of water desalination. She has 85 publication articles. She is PI of Italian project where the goal was treatments to be examined in this project for water desalination include advanced ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis. In addition to Egyptian –Indian project “Nano materials- RO antifouling membrane formulations for water desalination. Also,  She is PI in the international collaboration between the National Research Centre and the institute of fluid machinery in Poland, was fulfilled by a signed agreement covers the objectives of “Gas separation- membranes used for Hydrogen production from sewage water biologically” for 5 years duration for mobility transfer. She has been worked in field project for “Production of High Cash Vegetable Crops and High-Grade Table Salt via Reverse Osmosis Desalinated Water” which was funded through NRC strategy for Sinai development. She has 4 patents in membrane preparation and application.

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– info@mtaic.org

– membranetech13@gmail.org